This is a light and delicate dish that is very comforting especially on a rainy night. It is topped with grated cheese bread crumbs and butter and baked until cooked.
Nutrition Facts (Serving Size 195g): 196 Calories, with 75 from Fat
8.4g Fat, with 5.1 being Saturated
5.5g Protein
Daily Percentage Value: 6% Vitamin A
36% Vitamin C
9% Calcium
7% Iron
This is a fun and easy way of enjoying potato. These potatos are boiled, cut in halves, scooped out, mixed with whole grain mustard, milk, salt and pepper and some chopped chive. It can be topped with cheese or any garnish or your choice. It is then baked until golden brown.Nutrition Facts( Serving Size 1166g): 129 Calories, with 53 from Fat
5.9g Fat, with 2.0 being Saturated
0.6g Sugars
3.9g Protein
Daily Percentage Value: 9% Vitamin A
29% Vitamin C
6% Calcium
Tired of stuffed potatoes? You can try stuffed sweet peppers. It is a clever way to consume your vegetables and less carbohydrates. Sweet peppers are deveined, deseeded and filled with a vegetable and rice mixture topped with chedder cheese and baked for twenty minutes until the peppers are tender and the cheese is browned.
Nutrition Facts (Serving Size 160g): 168 Calories, with 68 from Fat
7.6g Fat, with 2.0 being Saturated
12.1g Protein
Daily Percentage Value: 16% Vitamin A
93% Vitamin C
5% Calcium
My family begs me to make this dish throughout the year. The sweet potato is to be boiled and mashed with salt, butter, sugar and milk and it is mixed. For the topping brown sugar, flour, nuts and butter is placed over the mixture and baked for thirty minutes.
Nutrition Facts ( Serving Size 294g): 376 Calories, with 52 from Fat
5.8g Fat, with 1.0g being saturated
28.1g Sugars
Daily Percentage Value: 709% Vitamin A
65% Vitamin C
6% Calcium
This delicate dish contains spinach, mushroom, garlic fetta crumble , chedder cheese, eggs and milk mixed and then poured into a pie crust and baked for fourty minutes. This makes a great breakfast meal.
Nutrition Facts (Serving Size 213g) : 445 Calories, with 250 from Fat
1.4g Sugars
27.8g Fat, with 9.9 bring Saturated
Daily Percentage Value: 109% Vitamin A
33% Vitamin C
36% Calcium
I am a vegetarian and this page has so much innovative ideas and new dishes to try.